Honour Semester 2 Week 14

I handed in my Dissertation this week, on the 30th April. 7873 words (8000 limit). Including the abstract, table of figures, contents and references brings the word count up to 9607.  The most important document I will ever write, has been written.


—Pngtree—cartoon finance report data_4118779

<a href=’https://pngtree.com/so/analysis’>analysis png from pngtree.com</a>

Honour Semester 2 Week 13

Things have become very unusal. The UK is now in lockdown, uni is shut and household items and food have been very difficult to get hold off. Especially when you live in a smaller place like me. Isolation won’t be a problem for me as I have plenty to work on. There is talk about extentions to deadlines.


I have finished my animation!

Honour Semester 2 Week 8

The block animation based on my reference footage. This is before the dino has been added as there was too many issues with the rig.

I did however have a revolation. I came up with the idea to make the dino look like he is a paper cut out . This will save me time and I can focus on just animating Mery, while still being able to show the emotions of the dino character.

The dino will now be a 2D, paper cut out (seen at 39 seconds as an example).


Honour Semester 2 Week 6

Finally made some good progress with my project.

I recorded a stop animation of my narrative using Lego, and then edited it together. This is really going to help with the timing. So, from my orginial animation lasting about 2 and a half minutes, it has now been cut back to 1 minute 17 seconds. I just hope I have left enough time for the audience to process the various emotions.

Honour Semester 2 Week 5

It has been a frustrating week.

With my new story beats, I broke down my storyboards down and focused on emotions so that is nearly a different emotion for each scene. Using these emotions that I want to convey, I drew thumbnails of the expressions in my characters faces.

I encountered a lot of problems while trying to animte these models. I am going to download the latest version of Maya in the hope that it fixes some issues.

Honour Semester 2 Week 4

My focus has turned to scene building. This is because I feel like I should be animating at this point, so the getting the scenes partly ready will mean I can think about blocking my animation out.

Normally I would create models myself, however due to my time constraits, I have sourced these for various sites;

  • cgtrader.com
  • Free3D,com
  • TurboSquid.com
  • Archive3D.net

Scene Building